The car was a little mangled in the front, but it was hit high, so there was absolutely no frame damage. All of the parts we have installed so far (radiator support, radiator, A/C condenser, and header panel) have all bolted right up with no major headaches. It also needed a hood, bumper cover, and driver's side headlight, was decently dented at the bottom of the driver's doors, and had hail damage on the top. We found all of the parts in one place (thanks to Dustin's body shop connections). If all goes well, will have the work complete within a couple of weeks. Right now we are car-less, and I have been venturing to Fort Wayne every weekend to help out with the work. I say help out because it really is me helping Dustin with the body work ... he's much more capable than I, but I hope I'm learning.
A special thanks goes out to Dustin for all his hard work and sacrifice in between working lots of overtime at Sauder's and trying to take care of a pregnant wife who's fussy enough already (Ha! You can't hit me from 150 miles away, can you Krista?). Here's a shot of Dustin working his magic.