Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Baby Aidan is here!!!
I know that most of you already know already, but our baby boy is here! Aidan Lee Workman was born on February 27, 2009 (his due date!) at 2:55 a.m.! He was 7 lbs, 7 oz, and 20 inches long.
Here's some info on how my labor/delivery went...I went in for my weekly appointment on Wednesday, the 25th, and the midwife did an exam to check how far I was dialating. I was almost 3 cm, and was about 70% effaced! Those exams can sometimes trigger labor, and I did start having contractions that evening. However, they weren't very consistent, they were coming anywhere from 5-7 minutes apart. I went to bed, and woke up around 4:45 a.m., and they were starting to hurt. My mom and sister (and Elijah, of course!) left that morning to come to Chicago, and got here in the early afternoon. The contractions were pretty consistent at 5-6 minutes apart and really crampy all day, but I soon started to get frustrated when 5:00 came around and I felt like things weren't going anywhere! I felt bad that Jesse had skipped school and work, and my mom and sister had come all the way up here, and nothing was happening! I was trying to stay on my feet and stay active, but around 5:45 p.m., I decided to sit down for a few minutes. I sat down on our vinyl footrest, and somehow, we all started having a conversation about water breaking; and less than 5 minutes later, my water broke! I was pretty giddy for a few minutes; excited, nervous, scared...then the contractions really started to hurt. I called the midwife on call and she said to go to the hospital. I jumped in the shower and rinsed off, and we headed out. I went to OB triage, where they said I was 4 cm. and they also put me on a fetal monitor. However, during one of my contractions, the baby's heartrate dropped, so they had to have me switch positions because they thought that the contractions were squeezing on the umbilical cord. They also put me on an IV for my entire labor/delivery. They finally took me up to my room, and Jesse and I were in there by ourselves for a long time. They checked in periodically and kept having me switch positions because of the baby's heartrate. A new midwife came on call, and I will just say now...we were very disappointed in the care that we got from the nurse and midwife who were on call. I had wanted a midwife because I was told that they are more personal and would help coach you through labor and delivery, and this midwife and nurse could not have been further away from "personal"!!! Finally, around 10:30, the midwife came back and at this point, I had not been checked to see how far I was progressing since I had been in OB triage!!! My mom asked when they were going to check me again, and the midwife replied that they probably wouldn't until after midnight, because since my water had already broken, there was a higher chance of infection. At this point, I told her that I really wanted to know, because if I wasn't much farther than I had been when I had come in, that I was considering an epidural. We practically had to beg her to check me, and I was at 7 cm. She said that if I wanted, they could give me a pain med in my IV instead of an epidural. I agreed to this, and I am SO glad that I did! It only lasted an hour and it didn't numb me or anything, in fact, it barely took the edge off of the contractions, but it REALLY helped me to relax and I was almost falling asleep in between contractions! Finally, around 1 a.m., she came and checked and I was at 9.5 cm., and she told me that I could start pushing. After almost 2 hours of pushing, Aidan Lee was born at 2:55 a.m.! It ended up that his cord had been looped around his neck, which is why my positions and contractions were affecting his heartrate! But everything ended up being fine, I think he got 9s on both of his APGAR scores, which is really good!
I do have to brag on my husband a little bit here...Jesse was AMAZING during my labor and delivery! We hadn't taken any childbirth classes, so he hadn't been told what to do, but he really helped me stay focused and was just so sweet and encouraging! He kept telling me that I was doing good, and kept reminding me how to breathe, made sure I had ice water to drink, let me squeeze his hand to death, and was just so awesome!!! Not only have I been blessed with a beautiful son, I have also been blessed with the most amazing husband!!!

Once they moved me to the mother/baby unit, the nurses were SO much better! My first nurse was named Jennifer, and she was SO sweet! I wish I could have had as caring of staff in labor and delivery, but at least I was taken care of afterwards. We ended up staying until Saturday evening, and brought our little boy home around 6:30 p.m.
My mom and sister (and Elijah) ended up staying with us for almost a week, which was a huge blessing! The first several nights home, Aidan did not sleep well; he seemed to have his nights and days confused and would sleep great during the day, and then just take "cat naps" at night. But it was nice to have my mom and Krista here because they'd watch him during the day and let me take naps :) They also did all of the cooking and dishes for me, which was awesome!
Things have been great, Aidan has been sleeping a lot better at night and has been eating well and everything. He is just such a blessing and such a sweetheart! We can't help but just stare at him and kiss him constantly!!!

Here are the links to my three albums on Facebook, where you can see LOTS more pictures!
I do have to brag on my husband a little bit here...Jesse was AMAZING during my labor and delivery! We hadn't taken any childbirth classes, so he hadn't been told what to do, but he really helped me stay focused and was just so sweet and encouraging! He kept telling me that I was doing good, and kept reminding me how to breathe, made sure I had ice water to drink, let me squeeze his hand to death, and was just so awesome!!! Not only have I been blessed with a beautiful son, I have also been blessed with the most amazing husband!!!
Once they moved me to the mother/baby unit, the nurses were SO much better! My first nurse was named Jennifer, and she was SO sweet! I wish I could have had as caring of staff in labor and delivery, but at least I was taken care of afterwards. We ended up staying until Saturday evening, and brought our little boy home around 6:30 p.m.
My mom and sister (and Elijah) ended up staying with us for almost a week, which was a huge blessing! The first several nights home, Aidan did not sleep well; he seemed to have his nights and days confused and would sleep great during the day, and then just take "cat naps" at night. But it was nice to have my mom and Krista here because they'd watch him during the day and let me take naps :) They also did all of the cooking and dishes for me, which was awesome!
Things have been great, Aidan has been sleeping a lot better at night and has been eating well and everything. He is just such a blessing and such a sweetheart! We can't help but just stare at him and kiss him constantly!!!
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