Campaign for Liberty

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Our trip home...

Finally, after almost 3 months, we got to go home together this weekend! I was able to get Friday and Saturday off of work, so we left Thursday evening and got to spend all weekend at home. It was awesome! I spent most of the day on Friday with my mom and Jesse got to go with my dad to Archbold, OH in the semi to deliver some pallets. My mom and I picked up my cousins Caleb and Kallie and watch them for a little bit on Friday afternoon, and I was SO excited to see them! Kallie is talking now and has gotten so big, and Caleb was just his normal adorable and crazy self! Friday night, we went to the auction at church for the Christian school, so we got to see a few people there that we hadn't seen in a while. Jesse hung out with Wahli, Eric, and Dustin later that night and I watched Caleb and Kallie with Cortney and Krista. Saturday, we got to spend all afternoon with Jesse's parents and some of his siblings, just hanging out at their house and relaxing and catching up! Lucy is four now and just as cute as ever! Saturday evening, we went to the spring musical at Leo because Evan was Pharaoh in it...I love musicals, and it was so fun to see my brother in it! Sunday, we went to church and then to my dad's surprise 50th birthday was so great to see so many people there who just love my dad to pieces! :) We then got to go to Chuck E Cheese for Lucy's birthday party that night...she was SO excited to be there and most of us were giving her all of the tickets we won playing should have seen all the prizes she was able to get! She had so much fun dancing in front of the camera and playing games...she's so cute! I was dreading having to come back...I love it here, but I was having so much fun at home!

Jesse started school again on Monday after a two-week spring break, and I have been working like normal...we aren't sure when we'll be home again, but we definitely won't let it be 3 months again! Keep in touch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you guys again, had it really been 3 months. TIme goes so fast when you get old(er). Wish you could have seen the baby goats, they are so cute. I will try to get some more cookies off to you soon(and to the right address). I opened the others and they were mighty crumbled after being who knows where for the last month. Take care and God BLess. We love you!!
Grandma Workman