Campaign for Liberty

Friday, November 02, 2007

A brush with fame...

So the other day, it was kinda busy at the salon, and I was doing a color, so I wasn't really paying attention to the lobby. I got done with applying the color and while it was processing, I went back to the back room to fold towels and I propped the door open. I glanced up and there was this lady sitting there behind her son who was getting his hair cut, and I thought "she looks familiar". But no makeup, hair pulled back in a clip, and athletic clothes on...just some lady, right? WRONG!!! I kept stealing glances at her, and then I heard her talking to the lady who was cutting her little boy's hair and I was like "I DEFINITELY know that voice"...but I still couldn't talk myself into the fact that it was truly her! Then, the girl who was cutting her little boy's hair finished and went to ring them up and was having trouble with the credit card machine (it's old, and you have to swipe it just right), so I went up to help, knowing that this would be my opportunity to find out FOR SURE. I glanced at the credit card, and what did it say??? JOAN CUSACK!!! It was hyphenated with her married name, of course, but it was definitely her! I felt like such an idiot, and I didn't say anything, just made small talk while I finished ringing them out. I didn't know what to say without looking like the idiot that I felt like...I mean, Joan Cusack was sitting in my salon and no one noticed!!! Now, I'm sure that had she come in dressed like she was in a US Cellular commercial, we would have recognized her. But sometimes, people look completely different with no makeup and their hair done differently...which is probably what she was trying to achieve, ya know? So anyway...

The only other exciting thing to report is that in one of Jesse's most challenging classes, his professor read his paper aloud in class because he was so impressed with it! Jesse was so excited when he told me yesterday, because it is such a challenging class!!! I'm so happy for him and proud of him! :)

We painted our living room and got a new couch a few weeks ago! It looks really good, and it just makes it feel more personalized. I'll have to post pictures after we finish getting pictures and stuff on the walls.

My family is coming into town next weekend! I was randomly able to get next Saturday off because my boss needed me to cover for her that Thursday, so what a perfect opportunity! They had been saying they wanted to come up again, so it works out great. Hopefully, we'll have decent weather...last time they were here, it was SO miserably hot!!! I know we don't have to worry about that this time, but I at least hope that it's sunny and not freezing!!! As of right now, it's looking like low 50s, but no rain, so I won't complain.

I think that's all for now, I'll post pictures from my family's visit next weekend, and hopefully some pictures of our renovated living room! Have a great weekend, and we will see some of you over Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I am sure Joan Cusack was very happy not to be recognized, so it is a good thing that you didn't say anything. It has to get old all the time, being recognized and then having to talk nice with perfect strangers.

Kurtis, Aimee - Nadia & Lana said...

You're hilarious! It was so good to see you guys the other day! Even if it was for a few minutes. Can't wait to come see you in December! It will be here before you know it.

Love ya both~

Anonymous said...

Are you guys still alive? Welp, I hope you're not freezing there in the windy city and hope to see you over Christmas sometime. Take care!

Laura Miller/Roth..just in case you forgot :)