I just have to say that God is SO good! All of you know how I have been really struggling at the salon, with Clareese's management style and all the drama that comes about as a result, and I have really been just itching to get out of there, but I wasn't sure what exactly to do. Well, once we found out that I'm pregnant, that was like the icing on the cake for me, I decided I for sure wanted to be done at the salon. I looked briefly into nannying positions, but nothing really jumped out at me, and Jesse found two jobs that were available at Moody. Then one evening, we had our friends Vernon and Andrea (and their baby Ethan) over, and Vernon was telling us about this crazy girl at his work that was basically on the verge of either getting fired or quitting, and the next day, she ended up quitting!!! He told me that I should apply for the job, but at this point, I had just applied at Moody and was really wanting to work there, so I just kinda brushed it off. Well, about a week later, he told Jesse that if I wanted to be considered, that I needed to get my resume in ASAP. A couple days later, I was called in for an interview, and the next day, I was notified that I had been hired! This took place over my vacation time, so I was available to start training right away! I ended up only giving the salon about 3 day's notice, which I felt bad about, but today was my last day there, and I couldn't be happier! I will miss several of my clients, but I know that I will be so much better off in this new position! I am a customer service representative for the bookstore at the American Planning Association, so I basically answer phones/faxes and place orders. It's a Monday-Friday, 9-5 job, which is awesome because now I won't have to worry about working weekends and late evenings! We can come home and have visitors whenever we want! I just want to thank you all for praying for me/us these last several months, because I have no doubt in my mind that prayers from our friends and families played a huge role in my getting this job!
As far as the baby goes...I am about 10 weeks right now, due February 27th! We went in for another checkup on our anniversary, and she said that everything looked good! She tried to find the heartbeat, but said that it's normal at the stage where I am to not be able to hear it, so she scheduled me to come back in two weeks instead of four. At that point, if they can't find the heartbeat, she will send me for an ultrasound. Krista said that her doctor had trouble hearing her baby's heartbeat at 13 weeks, so it's nothing to be concerned about, but I was just really hoping to be able to hear that precious sound, especially because it was on our anniversary!!! We will continue to keep everyone updated, and will start posting pictures as soon as I start getting a belly! :)