Campaign for Liberty

Sunday, November 16, 2008


We have some good news! We finally got the call that we got an apartment over at Franson-Risberg! It is available December 1st. This means that we will be packing up before Thanksgiving and moving on the 1st. We are excited to move somewhere where we can save some money on rent and have laundry in the building, but of course, moving does bring stress with it! Please keep us in your prayers these next few weeks as we try to get our stuff organized and packed! My boss has said that I can most likely have that Monday off work, and Jesse will have class in the morning, but he should be able to get that evening off work. My mom and sister have graciously volunteered to come home with us after Thanksgiving and help, and some friends of ours have also volunteered to help, so hopefully, things will go smoothly and we'll be able to get everything moved that day!

A couple of weeks ago when we thought we might get into a different apartment over there right away, one of our biggest concerns was finding someone to take over our lease, as our current lease doesn't expire until mid-February. However, we now someone lined up to move into our apartment; our friends Ronel and Kim (Jesse works with Kim at Help Desk, and Ronel used to work there) are getting married January 10th and were looking for an apartment, so Ronel will be moving in around the 15th, and then Kim will move in after the wedding! They were over and signed the lease yesterday. I've said this before, but I'll just keep saying nice and easy as it would be to move home, especially with a baby on the way, I can't doubt for a second that this is where God wants us! He just keeps blessing us and blessing us and blessing every way!

The pregnancy is still going extremely well; only good reports at every doctor's visit! My next visit is December 3rd, and after that, I have to start going every two weeks instead of every four, so that kinda puts into perspective how fast this baby is coming! Sometimes, it seems like time is going by really fast, but most of the time, I feel like February is still so far away! I think it will help to have a new niece or nephew next month :) I'll post some pictures after I take some with Krista at Thanksgiving :)

I think that's all for now...please just keep us in your prayers these next few weeks! Pray that we'll be able to get things organized and packed quickly and efficiently, that Jesse will be able to keep caught up with his homework, and that both of us will still get our sleep and keep our sanity! Thank you all for your continued prayers, and for reading our blog :)


Judy in Indiana said...

I am always checking in for updates! I am so happy you will have laundry in your building, I think that will be such a huge blessing.

I am looking forward to seeing you boith very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope the move went smoothly! Can't wait to see pics of your new place...once you're settled in of course :) No rush. Have a great week guys!
