As most of you probably know, Jesse and I became an uncle and aunt for the first time on Christmas Eve...Merry Christmas to us!!! My sister gave birth to Elijah Lee: 7lbs, 12oz, 20.5 inches long! We barely made it there in time, too: we arrived at the hospital around 5:15 a.m. and he was born at 5:42! Here are a few pictures; there are plenty more in my album on Facebook:
We are still working on getting settled into our new apartment. We finally got a storage unit; now it's just a matter of actually taking stuff down there. We were going to do it yesterday, but then it was just snowing ALL DAY, and we have to walk through our courtyard to get to the section where our storage unit is, so we just stayed in all day. They said on the news last night that O'Hare got 12 inches of snow...I don't think we got quite that much here, but I'd say somewhere between 8 and 10 inches for sure! I think they also said that we have already surpassed the snowfall that we normally get in an entire season!
Classes start back up at Moody tomorrow! Jesse's only taking two classes this semester because of the baby, and will hopefully pick up a decent amount of hours at work, as two of his co-workers quit over Christmas break. He's enjoyed having a break, and we've definitely enjoyed having our evenings to just relax and be lazy together without him having to worry about homework!
Other than that, we are just "patiently" waiting for the weeks to pass until we become parents! We only have about a month and a half left, which is hard to believe! I've still been feeling pretty good; uncomfortable sometimes, but not too bad yet. We'll be home at the end of this month for a baby shower that Jesse's mom and sister are throwing for me, and that could be our last trip home before the baby comes; we'll just have to see how I'm feeling and what the doctor says. We registered at Target and Babies R Us, mainly just for the basics, as my aunts and uncles are giving us some of the bigger stuff, like a carseat/stroller set and a pack n play! :)
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