Campaign for Liberty

Friday, February 09, 2007

Sorry it has been so long since we last posted...I was waiting for Jesse to write something about his friends coming to town, but I guess he's been too busy with school and work, so I will!

The weekend after Andy and Laura came, we had the privelege of hosting four of our guy friends at our house! Wahli, Eric, Jono, and Steve all came for the weekend! They got in on Saturday at some point (I was working) and pretty much left right away and were gone all day, literally ALL OVER town! When they finally got home close to 10:00, I asked them where all they had gone, and they were like "where DIDN'T we go is the question!" Needless to say, they were all worn out and just hung out and watched some crazy kung fu movie...I went to bed about halfway through! They went to church with us the next morning and they decided that pizza sounded good for lunch, so we took them downtown to Giordano's and then to Ghirardelli for dessert. We hung out in town for a little longer and then came back to our apartment, where they packed up and left. I had a meeting at work that evening, and while that didn't sound like much fun, the prospect of being around some more estrogen sounded heavenly...don't get me wrong, these are all awesome guys, but I was to the point where if I had heard one more joke about farting or pooping, I would have about gone crazy! I guess Jesse would have felt the same way if I would have had four of my girl friends up to visit, so...I know they all had fun, and that's what counts!

We had a Super Bowl party at our house last Sunday, it was so much fun! GO COLTS!!! We had two other couples over (Craig and Danielle, Michael and Leeanne) and we all just hung out and watched the game and ate lots of food! We enjoyed most of the commercials, but I have to say that we laughed hardest at the one with Kevin Federline...It was so funny to watch the news here after the game was over because they were at all these Bears parties and everyone's just like "there's always next year!" and "we'll win next year!"...

This past Monday, our company held a regional awards banquet out in the suburbs. It was a fancy dinner (everyone was wearing fancy dresses and had their hair all done up) along with the presenting of some awards for the best salons in the area. Danielle and I were just excited to get all dressed up! It was a really fun evening, there were over 1,200 people at the event, all employees of Hair Cuttery in the Chicagoland area, so the energy in the place was awesome! My DL still hasn't come for a follow-up, so I will definitely post when she does!

Kurtis and Aimee will be in town next weekend and my grandparents possibly the next, so our weekends have been pretty full lately! We're having fun having people at our house, though, so we aren't complaining at all! Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Think how much money you would have if you charged even a little bit for all the people who come to stay at your place. It sounds like you live in a tourist resort. Seriously, who goes to chicago in the winter? people must really love you!

Jesse and Stephanie said...

I don't know what you're talking about ... Chicago is wonderful this time of year. They're doing beach volleyball down at the lake, people are driving around with the top down, it's about 85 and sunny ... or not. Try single digits with a negative wind chill. We had a high of 3 above on the fourth, and 6 above on the fifth. Cold.