Here's two new pictures of me at 18 weeks and two days! It won't be long until I'm in maternity pants...I can still button most of my pants, but when I sit down...not comfortable at all! Also, I started to feel the baby move last feels so weird and so awesome! I mainly feel it in the evening when I am relaxing on the couch. I go in on the 8th for my next prenatal checkup, and then on the 9th for my ultrasound! I am SO excited!!! Jesse will get to be there, too, I made sure to make the appointment for a time that he'd be able to go with me! I will definitely make sure to post some pictures after our visit.
Also, here is a picture of one of the curtains for the baby's room! We aren't going to find out if it's a boy or a girl, so we wanted to do something neutral, and had been thinking of doing some kind of animal theme. My sister and mom were at a garage sale and found this awesome set from Pottery Barn! I can't wait to register for stuff to match...
In other news, our church moved locations and today was the first Sunday in our new location. They had been meeting in the Chicago Center for the Performing Arts, but were informed about 8 weeks ago that they would need to find a new location, as there was going to be a new, larger tenant who was going to pay more rent. Of course, that is not a lot of time to find a new, affordable location, but our search team pulled it off! At least for the winter and spring, we are meeting at Holy Trinity High School, in their auditorium. It is a pretty old building, and the auditorium is a LOT bigger than the theater at the CCPA! One thing I have always appreciated about our church is how you can hear everyone singing, and it is even better with the acoustics in the auditorium! The instruments and vocalist sound awesome, too! I sometimes just want to close my eyes and just listen to the voices and instruments. It was weird meeting there today, and will take some getting used to, but it worked out just fine!
Jesse is enjoying his PCM at Pui Tak, he gets to work with elementary school kids and will start teaching guitar lessons sometime in October. As far as classes, he's currently taking Greek, Systematic Theology, Music Literature, Hermaneutics, and then taking his guitar lessons and doing his PCM. Just tonight, I was helping him study for his Greek mid-terms; it is so hard to believe he is 1/4 of the way through the school year already!!! I've just been working and enjoying a normal job with a normal schedule and a normal boss!!! As of November 1st, they are transferring most of our customer service at work to our warehouse. Basically, that means that instead of me receiving phone calls, most of the calls will go to the staff at our warehouse. They can answer most of the questions as well as or sometimes better than me, as I sometimes have to get in touch with the warehouse to be able to answer the customer in the first place. I will still receive phone calls, but this will drastically reduce the number of calls I get, which will be really nice! My boss (Greyling) is giving me more and more responsibilities, and it will be nice to be able to focus on that stuff and not get interrupted by phone calls all the time!
I think that's all for now...I will post again after our ultrasound! Have a great week!

Jesse is enjoying his PCM at Pui Tak, he gets to work with elementary school kids and will start teaching guitar lessons sometime in October. As far as classes, he's currently taking Greek, Systematic Theology, Music Literature, Hermaneutics, and then taking his guitar lessons and doing his PCM. Just tonight, I was helping him study for his Greek mid-terms; it is so hard to believe he is 1/4 of the way through the school year already!!! I've just been working and enjoying a normal job with a normal schedule and a normal boss!!! As of November 1st, they are transferring most of our customer service at work to our warehouse. Basically, that means that instead of me receiving phone calls, most of the calls will go to the staff at our warehouse. They can answer most of the questions as well as or sometimes better than me, as I sometimes have to get in touch with the warehouse to be able to answer the customer in the first place. I will still receive phone calls, but this will drastically reduce the number of calls I get, which will be really nice! My boss (Greyling) is giving me more and more responsibilities, and it will be nice to be able to focus on that stuff and not get interrupted by phone calls all the time!
I think that's all for now...I will post again after our ultrasound! Have a great week!
Steph you look so cute! You have your mom hair cut and now your growing mommy belly :) I miss you and can't wait to see you! Please post the ultrasound pictures, I'm dying to see this Workman baby :)
I can't believe you still fit into your regular pants. It's just not normal. I am glad you and Jesse seem to be doing so well.
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