Campaign for Liberty

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I don't know if any of you remember, but when we were originally moving to Chicago, we applied for housing at an apartment building called the Franson Risberg Memorial Mission Home (FRMMH). It is a building specifically for people involved with ministry. They weren't going to have an apartment available at the time we moved, so they referred us to our current landlord. Well, we've still always wanted to get in over there, as the apartments are ridiculously cheap! However, you can't get anything besides a studio (TINY), unless you are pregnant or have children...and now, we fit that requirement! Right after we found out about the baby, Jesse ran into the landlord from the building and she said that if we got our application in, we'd definitely get into a 1-bedroom...IF being the key word. At first, our printer was out of toner, then we just kept putting it off and putting it off...and in this case, procrastination kinda paid off!!! Just today, I was on the blog for Student Wives, and one of my friends had posted that she and her husband had just moved out of their apartment at that building, and the apartment was AVAILABLE ASAP!!! I called her and left a voicemail right away, letting her know (before I even got a hold of Jesse) that we were interested and to please call me back with specifics. That left us with one problem...we JUST signed a 6-month lease last month! Our landlords have known ever since we moved in that we wanted to get in over at the other building, and they are fine with it, knowing that it will save us money, but that doesn't mean that we can just leave whenever! So I finally got a hold of Jesse, and it "just so happened" that one of his co-workers just got engaged about a month ago, and they are looking for an apartment!!! She was there at the time, and her fiance was already going to stop in later that day, so when he did, they talked to him about it and they are totally interested in our apartment! So...we are going over to FRMMH tonight and taking a rental application to the building managers there for approval! This would be a HUGE blessing and opportunity if it worked out! PLEASE keep us in your prayers these next few days as hopefully everything will be finalized and we'll be able to move within the next few weeks! The timing couldn't be more perfect...I'm not HUGE and pregnant yet, the weather will be nice still...GOD IS SO AMAZING!!! Also, for those of you who haven't done so yet, please check out our other update that I just posted on Sunday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting you guys!! God definitely has perfect timing. Hope this all works out.

Laura Miller