Campaign for Liberty

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Not much to say...

Hello, everyone, I hope this finds you all well and not too stressed out with Christmas coming up! We don't have much of an update, but I realized that we hadn't posted anything since right after Thanksgiving, so I thought I would just let you all know that we're still alive, we just haven't been doing much that's very exciting! Jesse had his last week of classes last week and is having finals this week, I think his last final is today. I've just been working like usual, but I am excited because my friend Danielle applied at my salon and had an interview, and it looks like she is probably going to start after Christmas! It will be so cool to be able to work with someone like her who shares my faith...all of the other girls are nice, and none of them have ever made fun of me for being a Christian...if anything, they've just asked me questions...but having someone there that I can really identify with will be awesome! So just pray that it all works out so that we can work together...

Anyway, we will be traveling a lot around Christmas...we will be home Christmas weekend, at my grandparent's in Middlebury New Year's weekend, and then back home the following weekend for Jesse's extended family get-together (hopefully), so just keep us in your prayers as we travel all three weekends! Thanks again for all of your prayers, and we will see most of you around Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I rememeber those travelin' days and they never were all that much fun for us. It was nice to see people, but we never had any time to do anything else, even Christmas shopping was hard to fit in. We are basically stay at home hermits and I think the day will come when we go away for the holidays and celebrate somewhere else, like the Carribean oir Hawaii. Ha! I am missing warm weather these days. the birds are right in going south for the winter.

Anonymous said...

We saw Jan and Ted last night and heard some of the family went to visit you and get haircuts. THAT doesn't get a mention in the blog?! You need to be nicer if you think they are getting you something for Christmas. I might just ask them to write you off and give all your goods to me instead.