Campaign for Liberty

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Good news...

Wednesday night, I came home early from work because my eye was starting to get really irritated. I took my contacts out as soon as I got home, but it only seemed to get worse, and by morning, my eye was completely red, irritated, and watering like crazy. I called in sick to work and was miserable pretty much all day. I went to the doctor in the afternoon and he said I had pink eye...and that I'd have to miss another day of work. Friday night, our friends invited us over, but I was reluctant to go because the doctor had told me to cover my eye and try to keep it shut as much as possible (which I have never heard of with pink eye, but I think he was just covering all of his bases incase there was a scratch, also), so I had been wearing gauze patches over my eye. But they were like "don't worry about it, we'll just have a pirate party!" And sure enough, we got there and they were both all dressed up, they had old cigar boxes with jewelry hanging out of them like treasure chests, and they had pirate signs on their door! They even printed out a picture of a parrot and put a straw on the back of it to make it stand up and taped it to Jesse's arm...we didn't think they were THAT serious, but it was really fun!!!

So when I finally went back to work on Saturday, I got in and there were balloons and streamers all over the mirror at my station, and I thought "Awww, they put get well signs on my station", but when I went over, they had written on my mirror in dry erase markerr "Congratulations on your promotion"!!! I was really confused because I was under the impression that I still had to get my numbers up and I also thought I had to go in for an official interview with our DL. My boss called a little while later and confirmed that I had gotten the promotion, and she wanted to surprise me with the balloons and everything! Jesse and I are really excited about it, thank you all for your prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout the pinke eye, but congrats on the promotion! You must be one incredible hairdresser :) Can't wait to see you guys!


Anonymous said...

I hope the promotion comes with more money, as it will surely come with more work for you.

Whatever they pay you, it isn't enough. You should get paid more since you're prettier than the other girls. Oh wait, maybe that explains why I don't get paid at all around here. Hmmm.....

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Stephanie,the pay is great but just the fact that you got a promotion means they appreciate you and you do a good job. That is one great reward in itself. We are proud of you (both of you guys). I thank the Lord for you every day.
See you the 25th.
Grandma Jan and Grandpa Ted

Anonymous said...

Yay and Yay!!! We're soooo proud of you daughter!!! To be promoted in less than 6 months is truly a testament to your work ethic and your determination to do your best!! Its been so cool to see how God is growing and teaching you guys to rely on Him and trust Him for your future. Can't wait to see you in 8 days!!!

momma vi