Campaign for Liberty

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sorry it's been a while!

Wow, I am glad that Jesse posted last week, because it's been a while! Sorry about that, we have been busy (like he said), and it doesn't help that we don't have internet at home! He covered everything I would have said, so other than that, just continue praying for us...our schedules are so crazy! There is so much to do in Chicago, but we don't have time to do anything! Jesse is used to working full-time, but I'm not, and I can really tell. I had that migraine a few weeks ago, and last week I was losing my voice all week...I really just don't think my body is used to being this busy! So just continue to pray for us!

We had fun camping with my family this weekend! It was so relaxing...Jesse and some of the guys played football a little, but other than that, we sat around a bunch and just relaxed and hung out with my family, and I think we both really needed the break! Speaking of breaks, another thing everyone could pray for is for our schedules around Thanksgiving and Christmas...I know Jesse will have time off, but I'm the new girl at work, so I'll probably get stuck working closest to the holidays, so just pray that I can get some decent time off to spend time with both of our families!

Thanks to everyone for reading this and for all of your prayers! Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on Being #3 at work, I meant to say that last time.

Scott is a "lurker" by the way, he reads the blog but doesn't comment. Shame on him!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, I hope things get better as you go along, it hard to be a wife and work full time, but God will bless you for doing it so Jesse can go to school.
Holidays are really stressful when you try to work out schedules, for years Ted had 2 weeks at Christmas off and I had to work overtime because of year end taxes, reports, etc. Same thing when he was in school in Indy, he was off and I had to work. Oh well, things will work out I am sure. Have a great week end and try to get some together time and some rest.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way the last post was from Grandma Jan.