Campaign for Liberty

Friday, September 15, 2006

What a long week! It's finally Friday though, and we're heading out to go camping tonight. We're pretty excited about that, should be fun. Stephanie's crazy family does this every year, everybody gets together at a campground and shares a couple of campsites.
Stephanie has some pretty cool news; she found out that she ranked third in the salon for services! Not too shabby, eh? She only started a few weeks ago, and already she has done better than seven other people in her shop. The only two that were above her were her manager and one other lady that has been there a few years. So remember to congratulate her on that!
I got my first reports done this week - if anyone wants to read a few pages about the first five books of the Bible, let me know. Everyone can benefit from my school experience! Just kidding.
Sorry we haven't written anything in a while - I've been busy with school and whatnot, and Stephanie has been busy getting third place at work. We did go to another church on Sunday. It's called Seminary Avenue Community Church. It's a very old, very unique church. The building is absolutely incredible, not in a huge church kind of way, but in an old, small chapel kind of way. The congregation was very small, but friendly. They really want us to join them. We'll see. The pastor was very friendly, Stephanie really liked him. He's a Moody grad, so he can't be all bad. If I were to judge solely on a building, it would be the only choice. But, there is much more to a church than a building. The problem is that I don't know if we even know what we're looking for. It would be nice to be in family with other people our age, but at the same time, we don't want to be in a shallow environment, either (which is what you can get sometimes). There are probably thousands of churches in Chicago, too, so we have to just make a decision at some point.
Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you for visiting Jesse and Stephanie's, have a nice day!


Anonymous said...

Scott and I went to a church in Chicago one weekend when we were there years ago (yes, I know, we are just about the only people I know who go to church when we are on vacation!)I think it was called Chicago Temple United Methodist. It was a cool old church in downtown Chicago and after the service we went on a tour and saw their chapel on something like the 23rd floor. I am a big city girl at heart, so I love this kind of stuff.

There will be lots and lots of churches to visit and when you find one that's for you, you'll know it.

Anonymous said...

Not that it might not be God's will for you to be in that small church, but always be a bit on the cautious side when visiting a small church that really wants you to join. Your just visiting for now. Sounds like they might be too needy.

I've been hearing about the wonderful adventures Stephanie's mom and sister had in Chicago this past week trying to obtain her visa. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Steph!! You're #1 in my eyes!!! I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Good Job Stephanie at ranking #3 at your salon! Hard work and personal attentivness pay off. Remember someone is always watching you :)

Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Stephanie on being # 3 in your salon, I knew you could do it and just think you love doing hair on top of it. Hope you guys had a wonderful time camping this weekend. I love to camp but unfortunately Grandpa doesnt like it as well. I went to Cincinnati Friday and Saturday to a First Place Conference, it was very uplifting. Hope to see you soon. Grandma Jan