Campaign for Liberty

Monday, September 25, 2006

Another week begins...

Another Monday at the laundromat...who would think that two people can go through so many clothes?!?!? I am just so glad that this place has wireless or I would absolutely dread the usually two hours that I spend here! It's hard to concentrate on reading with the sounds of the washers and dryers, not to mention the tvs that are this is a good distraction!

Anyway, I hope that you all had a good weekend! Jesse and I had a really fun day yesterday! We got to sleep in and go to an 11:00 service at a church with Michael and Leeanne. It was called Park Community Church. It was okay, we got there late because we all thought they were meeting somewhere else, so we missed the worship time. One thing that was cool is that a few weeks ago, the church passed out envelopes to everyone in the congregation, each with a different amount of money in it, ranging from $2 to $50. They asked the people to invest the money in the people of Chicago; they are currently renovating a building into a church, and their sermon topics the past few weeks have been on The Great Investment. They had three people up front yesterday reading some of the testimonies that were received from people, and they just went on and many people did so many cool, unique things with the money! Around here, I am approached by the homeless more than I was back home, and I am always reluctant to give them money, because you never know what they'll do with it. One person took the money and bought McDonald's gift cards to give to the homeless...what a great idea! There's only one thing they can do with that, and the great thing about McDonald's is their dollar menu, so even if you just gave someone $2, they could have something to eat! At the end of the testimonies, the pastor said that since so many people went above and beyond and contributed out of their own pocket, he thinks they might have doubled what was originally handed out, which was just over $9,000, I believe! WOW! So continue to pray for a church home for us, there have been good and okay things about every church we have tried, and we don't want to settle until it's GREAT!

So after church, the four of us didn't really have anything to do, and the church was right by the Lincoln Park Zoo, which is free, so we decided to go there. It was a beautiful day outside, really sunny with a chilly breeze, and I think we saw the entire zoo! It's such a neat zoo, especially considering that it is free! We were all like little kids, just in complete amazement of God's creation, from the tiny little ants on display (eeewwww!!!) to the giant rhinocerous. And of course, to share that experience with two other people that know Who created those animals was just awesome! Last night, we went to their apartment for supper and just had a great time talking and laughing, and we watched The Count of Monte Cristo, which is a great movie if you haven't seen it! We just get along with them so well, we have so much in common and our personalities are so much alike as well! Praise the Lord for some friends!!! :)

Thursday night at SWF (Student Wives Fellowship) was their mission night. Every year, the officers pick a missionary (or missionary family) to support for the year, and so we got to hear the testimony from that lady and from two other former missionaries! The one we are supporting will be going to Italy about a year from now (they are raising their support right now) with her husband and three children, and they anticipate possibly staying there! One of the other ladies was a missionary in Haiti with her family for 24 years and the other lady was a missionary in Ecuador with her family, and actually, I think they still are. It was just really neat to hear their stories! Also, the week before last (I wasn't there becuase I couldn't talk), they split up in to mentoring groups, and one week a month, we spend most of the night in those smaller groups for accountability, prayer, and a devotional, and guess who is in my group?!?!? Leeanne! So is Maggie, the girl that I went to high school with whose husband went to New Haven with Jesse! So I am really excited about that!

Wow, I think this has been long enough, so thanks for reading! Thanks also for your continued prayers, have a WONDERFUL, GOD-FILLED, BLESSED WEEK!!!


Anonymous said...

mornin darlin daughter!!
glad to hear of your new friends!! it blesses my momma heart so much to know things are going so good for you guys. i know you'll also find the "perfect" church for you where you'll feel a part and be able to get involved in some kind of service. keep praying for your sisters immediate future, i'm sure you are already. gotta go, Karlas bringing Karly over for a few hours!!! love to you and I'll call you soon-
Momma Vi

Anonymous said...

I always believe the quote " The homeless don't panhandle and panhandlers aren't homeless. I don't like to get my wallet out when I am on the street, you just don't know if someone will grab it and take off with everything. I love the idea of the McDonald's gift cards, I've gotta remember that. Our church is in a poorer inner city area and when I am there
for evening events it is easy to get beggars in our parking lot. there is a McDonald's across the street, so that would be perfect. What a great tip I got from your blog today!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you posted today, I have been watching an dpraying. I also so thankful that you have found some friends that you can connect to and have fun with. When we were first married we went to a Laundramat (Ted cleaned one and I helped) but also did my laundry while we were cleaning. Worked out good while he was in college. We would get up early go clean and then I would change my clothes and catch the bus to work in downtown Indy. I love the cash investment thing, I might just try something like that in my Bible Study. As far as a church goes, there is a right one for you, just be patient.
Love you and are praying for you two. Grandma Jan

Anonymous said...

Your story about the cash church project is really cool. I was on my way home from a leadership class two Sunday nights ago and at a stop light had a young man approach my van for $1. I asked if he was hungry and wanting to get a sandwich. He replied he was. A Wendy's was just across the street, so I asked him to meet me there. I bought him a large size meal. I only had $1 cash in my wallet, but several credit cards. In the past, I would have told someone that I was out of cash (I rarely carry it) - nowadays with fast food restaurants accepting credit, there's no more excuses. It's great to be a blessing to someone else. You two have been a blessing to me and will, no doubt, touch many lives while you're in Chicago. Keep your eyes open for the opportunities to be a blessing - even a smile goes a long way. Take care - Monica