Campaign for Liberty

Friday, October 27, 2006

My PCM is OK. Some people do much more, shall we say "interesting" things at their PCM's, but mine is pretty much typical. My friend Erik goes up to 'Boy's Town' and talks to men on the street corners who are stuck in prostitution. Mine isn't anything like that, but I think it still has a lot of purpose. It's definitely not what I am used to, but I like it. I help out at the YMCA with an after school program for kids. I'm not used to the age range, and I'm definitely not used to the inner-city kids. The kids at the Power House live in town, but they are not inner-city. Some of those kids might be a little rough around the edges, whereas these kids are pretty rough all around, but by no means hopeless. There are some that just touch your heart, though. I'm sure that all of them want you to give them affirmation and love, but some of them are just more 'expressive' of it, I guess.

I usually work with one boy, named Amiel. I (try) to help him with his homework, but usually he wants me to give him the answers rather than help him to get them on his own. There are a ton of great kids there (he is one of them), but one little girl just sticks out. Her name is Sarai, and every time we arrive, she gets a big smile on her face and greets us. She can be a stinker, too, but she is a cute kid.

Yesterday I got to read to her. That probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's much easier to feel like you're actually doing something there when the kids want you to interact. Usually Amiel wants me to give him the answers or just let him do his own thing. I'm going to keep on working with him, even if he doesn't let me really help him. Sarai had me help her on a couple of questions on her math, and then she got out her "Little House in the Big Woods" book. I was reading it to her, and it was funny, because I was reading about Pa loading his gun and getting ready to shoot animals, and it was really catching the attention of other people in the room. It was a blast, though. Kids like Sarai make it so much fun to help out.


Anonymous said...

you guys are amazing. don't give up ... God has given you an amazing gift......... i sit here drinking myself into a stupor ... ready to end the suffering...... And out of the haze ... your blog comes to my mind ... and i see the amazing things God is doing in your lives , just because you believe and trust in Him. And I think ... maybe ... there is hope fo r me. for so many yeears i have seen a "fake" faithe ... but in you two it is genuine. thank you for a wonderfuld example, continue the goowd work. I think it best to leave this Anonymous, but know you have deeply touched the heart of one you have touched.

Anonymous said...

Jesse-as I read what you were saying about your pcm I was really proud of you. God has you exactly where He wants you for whatever reason and He is proud too of the "job" you're doing. The moments you share with these kids will be forever stamped on their hearts, and they can tell it's not just an assignment for you. You may feel like you're not doing something big & exciting, but you are. You might have been the only person that's taken the time to read to her in a very long time, and you're also an example to the boys as they observed you that it's "cool" to take time to interact one on one with a child. In todays screwed up world the future husbands and fathers need reminders that it's not only about careers, sports and self and you've given a small example to them. Thanks for taking care of both of my girl; Stephanie forever, and Krista for a couple of hours as she waited to go to Guate. Love you guys both--and thanks for the chocolate!!!
momma Vi

Anonymous said...

What does PCM mean?

I just read a good book called Permission Evangelism. It had a very interesting take on how to witness to people, finding the right time,etc..

We have been in Canada for a week on vacation/Fall Break and came home tonight. We were about an hour north of Toronto, in a small resort in the woods. It was fun, but the kids were ready to come home.

Anonymous said...

So glad to read your posts, guess I havent checked the last couple of days. Retirement is so exciting -- I've really been busy, working, leading 2 Bible Studies, sewing and helping Aubrey learn to sew, going to ball games, sewing for Christmas at Blackhawk and moving much slower that I used to. I am so happy that you guys like it up there, I dont like to drive but love seeing everything in Chicago. Are you going to be able to come to Indiana for Thanksgiving week end. I will be having lunch on Thanksgiving for anyone who can come, we would love to have you two.
gotta go, knitting a baby blanket for your cousin Angela. Later,
Grandma Jan