The people here, for some reason, have a hard time believing that we lived next door to and around amish peoeple back home. So, in an effort to show them that we were serious about living around amish people, we decided to take pictures. When we took the pictures, we got a bit of irony, too. Take a look; what looks out of place?

By the way, sorry to those of you who tried to post comments and couldn't - I had to change some settings. You should be able to post now, so you don't have any excuse now!
It was great seeing you two Saturday. It does seem like forever since August when you left to start a new section in your book. I am so proud of you and the way you followed God's leading for your lives and the way you have adjusted.I hope you can make it home on Thanksgiving, I know the rest of the family would love to see you too. GOtta go get my Bible Studies done and get read to go to work today. Love you, Grandma Jan
Oh, yeah. People who don't know the Amish are somewhat shocked or surprised by some of the things they do. My mother-in-law couldn't believe the liquor store in Grabill had an Amish buggy on the sign. I told her, "Yeah, that's some of their biggest customers." Just shows they are as human as the rest of us.
Glad you guys got to come home this past weekend. Take care!
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