Campaign for Liberty

Monday, August 21, 2006

Church yesterday...

Well, the church that we went to yesterday was interesting...once we found it! We went to where we thought they met, only to find a sign to go somewhere else...of course, somewhere only a few blocks away from our house! And we got there to find a sign to go somewhere else...and we ended up at the church's annual baptism service at the park! It was really neat, four people were baptized, and baptisms always bring tears to my eyes, and I knew not a single soul there (besides Jesse)! The worship team even led worship knee-deep in the water, so that was cool! We aren't sure about it yet, though, but I think we'll try it out again next week at a 'normal' service to get a better idea.

Jesse started classes today, and it seems like everything went well. He is actually at class right now, he has a Monday evening class. He was at home probably not even an hour, long enough to eat supper and that's about it! He said he was in a few classes with a guy named Michael who was a pastoral studies major with music emphasis (Jesse is Bible major with music emphasis) whose wife is also a hair stylist! Go figure! We're looking forward to the ice cream social for the married students next week, so hopefully, we'll get to talk to them, and to other people!

Well, that's all for now...stay tuned for more! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you think for a while that you were on a scavenger hunt? Glad that you eventually fund it. You'll probably get recommendations on good churches from other Moody students.

When Scott and I were at Ball State lots of kids went to churches close to campus, but I really liked a fancier church downtown. I lived off campus a bit and there was a church across the street from the apartments I lived in that I could just walk over to on Sunday mornings if I wasn't motivated enough to get a ride somewhere else. Shop around and see what Chicago has to offer as far as churches go.

I am very jealous, by the way, I love big cities.So many fun things to do and see all the time.

You've got to find out what day you can get into things for free. I think the Chicago Art Institure
used to be free on Tuesdays. Of course, working and schooling will slow you down on your explorations a bit.