Campaign for Liberty

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just in time

What an overwhelming day ... we went to the city not knowing if anything would be worthwhile or even available, and came back with a pretty sure knowledge that we have just the right lodgings lined up. We visited a handful of apartments between 10:00 and 1:00, and made a seemingly countless number of calls on others just by driving by, but our real answer came with an email that we got just before going to bed last night. The landlords at Franson-Risberg, an apartment building for missionaries and bible students, emailed us that they were full for the semester, but that some friends of theirs had a 1.5 bedroom apartment available. We had looked into this apartment at one time, but it was taken. Turns out that the people who were lined up to move in backed out, just in time for us to look at it the next day and put down a deposit. The landlord works at Moody in the Practical Christian Ministries department. Our next mission: To figure out the best possible way to get all of our stuff up there, and the best possible time to do it.
Sorry, but we totally forgot to take pictures of it, but it will look better with our stuff in it anyway. So now you can all come and stay overnight in our apartment, just not all at once.


Anonymous said...

Very Cool. Let's hear it for "just in time" lodging.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's totally awesome Steph and I'm sure a complete answer to prayer! I'm excited for the two of you. Anita