Campaign for Liberty

Saturday, August 19, 2006

One week down

So we've gotten through one week so far. Stephanie's still liking her job, and I'm done with orientation. She did have to stay home yesterday because of a migraine, or that's what we think it was. She's feeling much better today, though, and at this moment is busy at work making people pretty. She's so brave to be willing to do all this. She could say that she doesn't feel like it's best for her to be the one supporting us financially for the most part, and I think she could be right, but she's really stepping up and doing something very admirable. So cheers for Stephanie, cause she's great.
What can I say about school so far ... orientation is kind of boring, but helpful. I'm learning things about the school that are very comforting. We open every class or session with prayer. The professors have a great view of learning, and my orientation instructor made it a point to say, in short, that if we are to go there to learn and are unaffected by what we are taking in, then we are just wasting our time, and we need to seriously reevaluate what we are doing. I'm very impressed with the attitudes of the leadership, and very pleased that I am where I am. I feel like I will truly enjoy this experience, even though I know how much will be expected in terms of academics and discipline. But I am excited about it, so I'll stick with that for now.
We will be going to a new church tomorrow, a church plant near our place that was started by a Moody grad. We don't know too much about it, just that it's mostly people in their twenties and somewhat diverse. So we'll see.
Keep on checking in on us, and let us know what you're thinking, we love to hear from you! So long for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey, we go to a church that was a church plant, too. Okay, so our church was planted in 1925. Does that still count?

Let Stephanie take care of you for a while, in a few more years, you will be taking care of her and a bunch of kids, so enjoy this while you can because one day it will be your turn.

Anonymous said...

Is Wally a friend of yours or some crazy person? Possibly both?

Speaking of crazy people, I went to go see "Snakes on a Plane" yesterday. What an entertaining way to absolutely waste my time. The movie was better than I thought it would be but I don't think the two of you should see it, it's rated R, and unbecoming to a future pastor. The rest of us with lesser standards will just have to enjoy it for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey kids, it was so good to hear your voices when we talked this week;yes momma misses you!! Jesse, you made me cry when I read your "tribute" to Stephanie and her being the provider right now. I agree with your Aunt Judy, she had some wise words. as I think about you two "alone" in the big city, I am so proud of your courage and incredible obedience to the Father and His plans for your life. You're gonna do great things for the kingdom, both of you. There will be divine appointments for you too Stephanie as you minister each day to the clients sent your way. Remember to pray for each person God brings into both of your lives each day. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks when you cone for Jess & Andrews reception. New York was amazing, wish you could've been with us. Love you both, Momma Vi (jesse's favorite mother in law!!)

Anonymous said...

Jesse/Stephanie -- I so agree with what Vi said. God has a big plan for both of you and I know for a fact that we can minister to each and everyone that God puts in our path. And Stephanie, you have a captive audience - are they going to get up and run out? I so love to minister to the customers that I deal with, if no other way than to treat them kindly and show God's love. Again I am proud of you both, Jesse we will be praying that your mind will be clear and you can be disciplined in your studies, did you get that job?
Grandma Workman

Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures! Looks like your are settling in. Just wanted to say we miss you loads but know God has you in His hands. How did your visit to the new church go?
we are off on summer vacation for awhile then will return and start school. G & L (gordon & laurie)

Kurtis, Aimee - Nadia & Lana said...

The pictures of your place look awesome! Hey I don't know your schedule, but give me a call! I go back to see the doctor tomorrow. I have stuff to update you on.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you. Isn't newlywed life wonderful? Enjoy this special time in your life! How did the church visit go yesterday?

Please remember to pray for Central's service this Sunday as Steve Alford comes to share. Pray that many non-Christian sport enthusiasts come and respond to the Gospel message.

Thanks! God's blessings!

Wally said...

I suppose

anyways its good to hear things are going rather well. read the bible, pretty good stuff.and dont run over pedestrians or prespaterians. that wasnt even close in spelling. all man